Saturday, August 06, 2005

Not a Trekie

I just want to dispel any rumors of my being a "Trekie". Yes, I like Star Trek. Especially the next generation. Although Star Trek II the Wrath of Kahn is still the best Star Trek movie ever made. But I don't have any spock ears, or speak Klingon I don't own any Star Trek DVD's and I didn't even watch any of the newer shows like Deep Space Nine, Voyager or Enterprise. I can't say I don't go to the conventions because I've worked every Star Trek Convention that has come to Pasadena since about 1998. I just like Science Fiction thats all. Anyway, I've long since stopped hiding the fact that I'm a nerd. I'm a comic book reading, Star Trek watching nerd but I still have a hot ass girlfriend.(with a gimp knee) Now what Bitches!?


Jeff said...

So let me get this straight. You've been to every Star Trek convention in Pasadena for the last 7 years, you can name the different shows, you know enough about the movies to say which one is the best, and you read comic books. But you're not a trekie? Good argument Pete.

Pete said...

I work at a convention center, where the Star Trek Convention is held I don't have a choice but to come to them.

Lauri said...

Pete isn't a trekie. He likes a lot of different stuff. And Star Trek is one of them. Believe me, if he was that bad, i wouldn't out up with it.