Sunday, August 21, 2005

Time is my Enemy

So much to say so little time...strike that. Reverse it. life is so dull when you work the weekends, especially when you work weekend nights. Last night Lauri was out on the town with my brothers and I was here at work watching the clock. Now everyone is pertying at Tim's, celebrating the 5-11's first non-loss (They tied) and I'm here at work...watching the clock. An hour ago I looked at the clock and thought it read 7:30pm a half hour later I lookd at it and it read 7pm. I misread it. I had to do that whole hour over again. This bites. Actually, its much better than having to actually do real work. If I was at the Ford right now, I might be getting ass raped by an upset patron so this isn't so bad.
You know what I could really go for right now are some know those twinkie like things with the yellow frosting on top? or maybe some hostess cupcakes? Those would be sweet.
You know what would be hoot right now. I could go around the Convention Center and find little things that need fixing all around the building and fill out work orders for them. How funny would it be for the chief engineer to come in on Monday morning to a box full of work orders for bullshit stuff. It would hilarious. especially if you knew the chief engineer. I have the authority, don't think I don't. If I put in work order to have a third storey built they would build that shit. maybe not.
You know what I love about this place? All the cool code names we have for stuff around here that seemingly have no meaning. There is the X-30, which is the exhibition hall. There's the Star Wars lobby outside the lower level conference building. There's the 27 cage for frieght storage. There's the Bat Cave, which is the Civic's master sound tech's storage office. There used to be the I.K. (illegal kitchen) a hidden kitchen built by the stagehands in a cave burrowed under the ice rink (I shit you not!)it was concealed by some insulation that could be puled back like a curtain. But it was shut down some years ago when management stumbled on it. There's the Grey wall, now called the beige wall, because it used to be covered in grey carpet and is now covered in beige carpet. They all have meanings that me and maybe three other people in the company remember. The funnest part is fucking with new people by saying "Meet me in Star Wars" and see how long it takes them before they get lost and ask "Where the hell is Star Wars"
Its now approaching 8pm. I will assuredly be here until 10pm.
I'm goin over to Randy's tonight for sure. I need a fuckin beer man. I don't know why. But that urge just came over me. Maybe it was jealousy seeing Lauri come home all trashed last night? I just be hungover tommorow and want sit on my ass before work, but no! I vow here and now to go hiking tommorow and to take Randy with me. He did, after all, buy hiking boots. Time to use them. But not First Water, someplace exciting and new.(not the love boat either
Well thats it for now. Time may march on but he can go fuck himself I'm just gonna sit here.

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