Sunday, August 28, 2005

Thanks for the Memories

Hey thanks to all those who came out to the Boat and Chalet for my birthday celeb. You're all Kings and Queens among men...and women. I had a great time was only moderately hungover the next day. I had a nast scare just a little while ago. My iPod that Lauri got me for my birthday stopped working and I started to lose my mind. "Just my luck!" I thought to myself "Just like the PS2" I went to the apple support site on the off chance they might have something useful. As it turns out, it was just frozen and needed reseting by holding down a couple of buttons. WHEW! disaster averted. It occurs to my though, if I get this wound up over my big boy toys, how am I going to deal with real crisis situations, like kids and shit like that. Actually, I think I'm pretty calm in a crisis. I been working in the events business for like 10 years now and have dealt confidently with emergent situations, including medical emergencies. I think I just get pissed when luck seems to swing against me, like when I would get the one ipod out of a thousand that didn't work. Anyway. I'll tell you this. The iPod is one of the most ingenius devices of our or any generation. Its a must have for music lovers. Its like the soundtrack to your life. And having had one, I will never again be without one. If you have the means, I highly recomend picking one up. Heres a serene scene to calm myself down after that little scare.


Amanda Jane said...

friday night was really fun--it's been too long since we've all been out together. I'm hoping I will be more back in the loop this year since the anxiety of teaching has been lifted for now--I never heard if you guys ended up making it to the Buc...About the ipod thing and bad luck, i think you and jeff have a similar luck issue--things like that happen to him pretty frequently.

Jeff said...

You got an iPod? I got a pair of Amanda's mom's prescription sunglasses from 1982.

Pete said...

Wear 'em proudly. I just watched the MTV VMA'a and apparently wearing Giant sunglasses from the 80's especially indoors is the latest thing.

Jeff said...

People still watch the VMAs?